CrossFit – Sat, Mar 22

Mallard Crossfit – CrossFit


Warm Up (No Measure)

1. Movement Prep/Activation

3 sets:

1:00 Bike

1:00 Row

1:00 Ski

-Build up in pace each time through-

2. Workout Prep

Use this time to set equipment up, talk about strategy, and establish a rotation.


Aran Island (Time)

Freedom (RX’d)

3 Person Team

10,000/8,000m Bike Erg (OR 300/240 cal Air Bike)

5,000/4,000m Row

5,000/4,000m Ski (OR 4,000m Run OR 250 Burpees)

*All three working at the same time – switch as desired.


For Time

3 Person Team

8000/6500m Bike Erg (OR 240/200 cal Air Bike)

4000/3200m Row

4000/3200m Ski (OR 3,000m Run OR 200 Burpees)

-All three working at the same time – switch as desired.


For Time

3 Person Team

6000/4800m Bike Erg (OR 180/140 cal Air Bike)

3000/2400m Row

3000/2400m Ski (OR 2400m Run OR 150 Up Downs)

-All three working at the same time – switch as desired.

Target time: Sub 25:00

Time cap: 30:00


Core Work (Checkmark)

4 sets:

10 Strict Toes to Bar (Or Strict Knee Raises)

-rest 30 seconds-

15 Kettlebell Side Bend (each side)

-rest 30 seconds-

1 min Face Up Chinese Plank

-rest 30 seconds-

:45 sec Crush Grip Overhead Dumbbell Hold (Moderate weight)

-Rest 2 minutes between rounds-

* Instead of resting 30 seconds, athletes can partner up and go 1:1 on movements and advance together to the next station when their partner finishes. Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Strict Toes to Bar

Kettlebell Side Bend

Face Up Chinese Plank

Dumbbell Crush Grip Overhead Hold

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