Mallard Crossfit – CrossFit
“Better than Yesterday”
60% of people who weight train get an average of 7 hours or more of sleep per night
Metcon (Checkmark)
EMOM x 25:
Min 1: 16 Box jump overs (24/20)
Min 2: 12 Plank shoulder taps + push-up
Min 3: 16 Alt DB snatches (50/35)
Min 4: 100m Sprint
Min 5: Rest
This EMOM is designed to have athletes go as hard as you can for the 1st 4 minutes and fully rest.
On the plank shoulder taps each rep has 2 shoulder taps at full extension and 1 push up.
Metcon (No Measure)
2 rounds:
200m OH carry with KB/DB (switch arms @ 100m mark)
20 Russian twists with KB/DB