Mallard Team! Beginning this Friday, for 8 consecutive weeks, your Mallard Coaches have selected a Hero WOD that will take the place of the partner WOD. Work hard and Honor a Fallen Hero.
Every week will be different and all WODs will be scalable. We want to see EVERYONE on Friday!
Mallard Crossfit – CrossFit
“Better than Yesterday”
Casein protein is slow release and when taken at night helps you sleep better while adding 20-25g of protein to your day.
Squat Snatch (Every :75 x 6 (2-2-2-1-1-1))
Build from 70% to 3 heavy singles but not failure.
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
30/24 Cal row
30 OHS (95/65)
30 Am. KBS
30 Pull-ups
30 AM. KBS
30 OHS
30/24 Cal row
16 min cap
RX+ 105/75
Choose an appropriate weight to shoot for 2-3 sets on the overhead squats.
Scale pull ups to allow for sets of 5.