Mallard Crossfit – CrossFit
“Better than Yesterday”
Just 30 to 60 minutes a week of muscle-strengthening, or “resistance,” exercise increased life expectancy by 10 to 17 percent .
Olympic Lifting
Squat Snatch (Every :75 x 6 (3 Reps))
Build over 1st 3 sets, same weight for last 3.
Metcon (Time)
Every 3:00 x 5: (:30 rest between rounds.)
15 T2B
12 Box jumps
9 Power snatches (95/65)
RX+ 105/75
Score is slowest time. Record times on whiteboard and aim for at least :45 of rest each rounds. If you can not do 15 t2b in 3 sets or less, scale to 12. Power snatches should be unbroken.