Mallard CrossFit will be open for the 4th of July from 8am to 10am for an OPEN GYM. There will be a workout on the whiteboard and Heather will be coaching for the Holiday Open Gym.
Mallard Crossfit – CrossFit
“Better than Yesterday”
Running reduces stress
Power Snatch (Every :75x 5: -3 power snatches )
(build from 60% over all sets, focus on quick turnover and speed under bar)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Every 3:30/:30 rest:
400m run
12 alt DB snatches (53/35)
MAX box jump overs
Complete 5 rounds and score is total box jump overs.
RX+ Run each round under 2 and complete 16 Alt DB Snatches each round. Must hold all 5 rounds for RX+.