Mallard Crossfit – CrossFit
“Better than Yesterday”
Healthspan supports the maintenance of both health and functional capacity
Metcon (No Measure)
15 min or 3 sets:
50 DU or 1 min practice
:30 hold at top of rings (full extension)
:30 HS hold
Metcon (Time)
Farmers Carry to 200m mark +run to 400m mark (53/35)
20 Pull-ups
40 V-ups
80 WB (20/14)
40 V-ups
20 Pull-ups
400m run + 200m Farmers carry back
Use DB or KB if short on equipment.
RX+ C2B Pull Ups
Modified from CrossFit Games Test. Farmers Carry represents the Pig Flip. Set KB down at 200 on the run portion on 1st round and run to 400 and back to gym, leaving KB in place. On last run, run past them, pick them up on way back and carry them back to the gym for the finish.
22 min cap