Mallard CrossFit will be open for the 4th of July from 8am to 10am for an OPEN GYM. There will be a workout on the whiteboard and Heather will be coaching for the Holiday Open Gym.
Mallard Crossfit – CrossFit
“Better than Yesterday”
One way to break a bad habit is to replace it with some type of movement.
Skill Work
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Sets or 10 min:
5 High box jumps, increase height over each round in possible (primer for lifting in wod)
Accumulate :30 L-sit on (on rig, on rings, paralette bars etc.)
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM x 20:
40 DU
10 Push jerks (115/85)
10 Power cleans
12 T2B
Use a weight you can practice cycling the barbell. Shoot for sets of 2 or 3 for the 10.
Each minute should be :45 or less of work.
RX+ 155/105